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Video: la tierna transformación de un gato callejero tras ser adoptado

Tierna transformación de un gato callejero tras ser adoptado

El increíble cambio de un gato callejero, ahora adoptado, se volvió viral, pues demuestra que el amor y los cuidados cambian a cualquiera.

Aunque Bruce Willis es el protagonista de esta historia, la heroína en este caso se llama Sandra, quien decidió adoptar a un gato de siete años en un refugio en Minnesota, EE.UU.

No dejes de ver: Naya y Kalú, los dos tigres de bengala que al nacer quedaron huérfanos en el Parque Hacienda Nápoles

La historia se volvió viral luego de que la nueva dueña le diera una nueva oportunidad a un gato que, según ella misma afirma, al parecer vivió muchos años en la calle, tiempo que le dejó varias heridas en su cuerpo.

Según la mujer, el animal tenía problemas en su sistema inmunológicao, fuera de varias cicatrices en su cuerpo y una herida en uno de sur ojos. “No voy a mentir, la idea de adoptar a un gato que era callejero con varios problemas de salud me asustaba”, describió en la publicación.

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A year ago today, I left work early to go to @animalhumanemn. I had been there several times to visit a cat named Bruce Willis. This day was different, though, because this day I was bringing him home. I’m not going to lie, the thought of adopting a former stray with several health issues scared me. It didn’t get better when I was about to fill out the paperwork and the shelter staff told me he would need dental surgery. It certainly didn’t get better when people visited his little room and he started biting them in their legs as they were trying to leave 🙈 I told myself that I could still back out, but as I looked into his sad eyes, I also realized that I couldn’t leave him there. When I saw his reaction when I brought him home, my worries went away. I’ve never seen a happier cat before! But let me be honest, we didn’t live happily ever after right away. There were many times I asked myself if I had done the right thing. Before I got him, I had never administered medications to a cat before. Now I had to do it up to 15 times a day. Sleepless nights, costly vet bills, behavioral issues, food allergies…it turned me into a wreck. I’m telling you this not to diminish our story in any way, but so that other people who are facing the same problems know that they’re not alone. It didn’t happen overnight, but slowly, our days got better. I found food that he could eat, he didn’t need any more medications, and he started sleeping all night next to me on what has now become his pillow. Today it has been one year since I brought him home and I wouldn’t change a thing. So much has happened in our lives and in the world since then, and I’m so happy to have him by my side. Happy Gotcha Day, Brucie ❤️❤️❤️

A post shared by Mister Willis the Cat (@mrwillisthecat) on

Bruce Willis, como se llama el gato, se convirtió en el “más feliz” luego de recibir amor y cuidados por parte de su dueña y el cambio extremo se puede evidenciar en el video compartido en Instagram.

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Asimismo, según dijo la misma mujer, los problemas no acabaron con la llegada a casa. Tuvo que enfrentarse con alergias a la comida, el comportamiento al principio agresivo y, además, altas facturas por los medicamentos. Finalmente, todo el esfuerzo valió la pena.

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